Thursday, November 19, 2009

10 Year Anniversary

Hey guys, guess what, yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of me going to take Darcie out for lunch from school. Crazy hey? That's when it all officially started, Nov 18th, 1999. We both can't believe it's been 10 years now. To celebrate, we went out for dinner at a place called Alice Fizoolies. It was very nice. And if you're wondering, yes, we did sit side by side like that for the whole dinner.


Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

i dont' believe that you sat side by side like that....i'm not that gullable (sp?) 10 years....WOW!!! Still got that gum wrapper made into a bird jason? CONGRATS YOU GUYS!

Jason Weglo said...

it was a little squishy but we managed. yup, still got that little plane thing. Darcie made it from a Quizno's piece of paper when we were saying hi to Justin when him and Ivona were dating.

Laura said...

Wow, I can't believe that was 10 years ago already. Great picture of you guys!