Once again, Value Village was the place we went to to find all our clothes. Everything all of us are wearing is from Value Village, even shoes. Darcie got some white boa's and other white material from there to make hers. I wore a womans purple suit and found matching mens purple shoes. Mason found some tight womans leather pants and Mandy found some crazy alligator print outfit with red alligator print boots.
We went over to our friends Derek and Stacey's house for a rock band party. We played rock band 2 and a country one as well. Derek is insane!!! He plays expert on songs and is awesome. It's hard for the rest of us to even keep up watching his colors come up let alone try and hit the buttons in order and strum. He was amazing. Derek was Harry Potter and Stacey was the girl in Harry Potter, can never remember her name. Derek's friends Marcus and Laura also came. Marcus was mad cow disease and Laura was dressed up like a pig as the swine flu. Jamie and Justin also came. Jamie was a flapper girl from the '20s and Justin was dressed as a mobster from the '20s. It was a lot of fun.
Slash, Foxy Cleopatra, Bjork, and Prince
OH MY GOODNESS JASON!! I didn't even recognize you in the pictures! Those costumes are awesome! I can't believe Darcy made hers, it looks so good. And I also can't believe you wore make up. I love how you guys get all into it, it makes it so much more fun!
so freakin' hilarious...would love to see some pictures of prince up close =) Great costumes...wish i could've been tehre! Oh and great job Darcie!
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