Thursday, November 19, 2009
10 Year Anniversary
Hey guys, guess what, yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of me going to take Darcie out for lunch from school. Crazy hey? That's when it all officially started, Nov 18th, 1999. We both can't believe it's been 10 years now. To celebrate, we went out for dinner at a place called Alice Fizoolies. It was very nice. And if you're wondering, yes, we did sit side by side like that for the whole dinner.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Here's some pic's of us dressed up for Halloween. Mason is the guitar player Slash from Guns N Roses, Mandy is Foxy Cleopatra who Beyonce played in Austin Powers, Darcie is Bjork who wore that swan dress to the oscars (Darcie made that by the way - I think she did an awesome job), and I was Prince. I colored my mustache and eyebrows with black makeup and Darcie applied makeup on my face to make me look a little more feminine like Prince. I didn't like putting the eye makeup on and was glad to clean it off at the end of the night. If I was a woman I wouldn't wear makeup.
Once again, Value Village was the place we went to to find all our clothes. Everything all of us are wearing is from Value Village, even shoes. Darcie got some white boa's and other white material from there to make hers. I wore a womans purple suit and found matching mens purple shoes. Mason found some tight womans leather pants and Mandy found some crazy alligator print outfit with red alligator print boots.
We went over to our friends Derek and Stacey's house for a rock band party. We played rock band 2 and a country one as well. Derek is insane!!! He plays expert on songs and is awesome. It's hard for the rest of us to even keep up watching his colors come up let alone try and hit the buttons in order and strum. He was amazing. Derek was Harry Potter and Stacey was the girl in Harry Potter, can never remember her name. Derek's friends Marcus and Laura also came. Marcus was mad cow disease and Laura was dressed up like a pig as the swine flu. Jamie and Justin also came. Jamie was a flapper girl from the '20s and Justin was dressed as a mobster from the '20s. It was a lot of fun.
Stacey, Marcus, Derek, and Darcie
Slash, Foxy Cleopatra, Bjork, and Prince
Once again, Value Village was the place we went to to find all our clothes. Everything all of us are wearing is from Value Village, even shoes. Darcie got some white boa's and other white material from there to make hers. I wore a womans purple suit and found matching mens purple shoes. Mason found some tight womans leather pants and Mandy found some crazy alligator print outfit with red alligator print boots.
We went over to our friends Derek and Stacey's house for a rock band party. We played rock band 2 and a country one as well. Derek is insane!!! He plays expert on songs and is awesome. It's hard for the rest of us to even keep up watching his colors come up let alone try and hit the buttons in order and strum. He was amazing. Derek was Harry Potter and Stacey was the girl in Harry Potter, can never remember her name. Derek's friends Marcus and Laura also came. Marcus was mad cow disease and Laura was dressed up like a pig as the swine flu. Jamie and Justin also came. Jamie was a flapper girl from the '20s and Justin was dressed as a mobster from the '20s. It was a lot of fun.
Slash, Foxy Cleopatra, Bjork, and Prince
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Apartment Floor Before & After
Here's some pictures showing what the apartment looked like before and after we laid down laminate. Everywhere there was square vinyl tiles, we pulled it off the cement floor and laid down laminate. It took a while but we're really happy with the way it turned out. It finishes the kitchen off really nice too. The only thing we haven't changed in the kitchen now is the countertops - everything else has been changed or replaced. Some areas took longer than others because the area we laid the laminate down in wasn't your normal square room. There were lots of corners and door jambs we had to work around but we're really glad we dit it.
This picture shows the three different vinyl tiles that were in the kitchen, dining room and storage room
Dexter in the laundry room before laminate was put down
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ondrej & Ivona Visit
Ondrej and Ivona flew in from Calgary to watch the U2 show with us. He was the one that was able to get us the 4 tickets in the red zone - his patience paid off. We picked them up Wednesday night from the airport and the next day we drove down to the stadium to pick up the tickets. Once we got them, we drove around the block to check out the lineup for general admission on the floor and it was freakin' long. It was really nice to know we didn't have to stay in a long line all day and still have a great view of the show. We drove though downtown on our way to find a spot to eat lunch and showed them where they filmed Much Music. We had lunch at a nice sandwich and coffee shop on an outside back patio. From there we headed over to Kensington Market. The girls found matching Bono shirts which they ended up wearing to the show of course. Before the concert, we decided to get another bite so we went to Jack Astors. The show was amazing as I mentioned in the blog below.
The next day we headed to a trendy part of town called The Danforth because there's a lot of shopping and Greek restaurants on a street called Danforth. There's so many Greek restaurants on it. We went to one Ivona remembered going to about 8 years earlier. Darcie and I had heard of The Danforth but had never gone so it was neat to check out. We'll definitley be going back to eat at some other restaurants. After eating, we checked out a huge candy store that had every kind of candy and chocolate bar you could think of - even candy I thought they didn't make anymore that I used to buy as a little kid. It brought back memories.
We headed home afterwards because we were planning a party for our friends in Toronto to meat Ondrej and Ivona. Mandy, Mason, Derek, Stacey, Vanessa, and Mark (have cottage that we went to) and Ondrej and Ivona were all there. We had a lot of fun hanging out and eating lots.
The next day was Saturday which was when Ondrej and Ivona were leaving so before they left, we headed downtown again and ate some lunch at a nice restaurant on the boardwalk and walked through downtown doing some shopping along the way.
It was great to see them and spend all that time with them. We really enjoyed having them as our guests and had a really good time going to see U2 and doing all the eating and shopping that we did.
Me trying on a small jacket that everyone thought I'd look funny in. They were right.
The next day we headed to a trendy part of town called The Danforth because there's a lot of shopping and Greek restaurants on a street called Danforth. There's so many Greek restaurants on it. We went to one Ivona remembered going to about 8 years earlier. Darcie and I had heard of The Danforth but had never gone so it was neat to check out. We'll definitley be going back to eat at some other restaurants. After eating, we checked out a huge candy store that had every kind of candy and chocolate bar you could think of - even candy I thought they didn't make anymore that I used to buy as a little kid. It brought back memories.
We headed home afterwards because we were planning a party for our friends in Toronto to meat Ondrej and Ivona. Mandy, Mason, Derek, Stacey, Vanessa, and Mark (have cottage that we went to) and Ondrej and Ivona were all there. We had a lot of fun hanging out and eating lots.
The next day was Saturday which was when Ondrej and Ivona were leaving so before they left, we headed downtown again and ate some lunch at a nice restaurant on the boardwalk and walked through downtown doing some shopping along the way.
It was great to see them and spend all that time with them. We really enjoyed having them as our guests and had a really good time going to see U2 and doing all the eating and shopping that we did.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ondrej & Ivona Visit Cont'd
This is Ondrej and I fooling around for the camera after the U2 Concert. I'm trying to look mad and not smile. We're wearing Darcie and Ivona's hat's that they got at the concert.

U2 Concert
Well what can I say about the concert. It lived up to all the hype and excitement and everything we expected it to be and more. It was in Rogers Place where the Blue Jays play. There were two shows in Toronto - one on Sept 16th and one on the 17th. We went to the second one. They were both sold out with 50,000 people at each one. Pretty sure the stadium hadn't been that full since the Jays were in the World Series. It was so cool to be at a concert on the floor and look around and see that many people watching U2 with you. Ondrej and Ivona joined us from Calgary. It was so nice to see them again. First time seeing them since they're wedding. We had a lot of fun with them. More with them in another post. Ondrej managed to buy our tickets in March and the plan was to hang out with them for a couple days after they flew in to watch U2. We were in an amazing section. There was the main stage but then they had two bridges which connected it to a circular walkway/ring around the whole main stage. Even the bridges moved along the ring. The money that must've gone into making the stage and structure is mind boggling. We found out that there's 3 stages/structures on tour that leap frog each other. One where they're currently playing, one being setup in the next city, and one that's being dismantled where they just were. I can't imagine how much designing and manufacturing the 3 stages cost them. The production costs too - operating cameras for big screen above stage, lights, sound, operating stage effects............ Everywhere I looked I was amazed. You know how I get. We had the choice of standing in the cramped inner ring or go off to the side and watch from outside of the ring. We chose the outside because we were still really close. The section we were in was called the red zone and there were two on each side of the stage. It was seperate from the general admission tickets on the floor so there was tons of room in our section. It was a waist of space really. You can see from some pic's how much room there was. We even had our own area of bathrooms that only people from red zone's could use. We were on the side that The Edge was playing on which was sweet. Snow Patrol opened up for them. They were alright but no one really cared. We were all waiting for U2. They played a lot of songs from their new album, No Line On the Horizon, and a lot of their classcs. They came out for two encores. I hope to see them if/when they tour again. Each time we've seen them, we're blown away by how good they play live, how many good songs they have, and how good of a show they put on. It's worth every penny.
Picture of Darcie and I soon after we got inside. Stage is huge!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
U2 Concert Cont'd
Sunsets from our apartment
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Camping at Grundy Lake Provincial Park
Darcie, Mason, Mandy and I went camping Sept 11-13th at Grundy Lake Provincial Park. It was the weekend after the last long weekend before school so there was hardly anyone there. We got to pick a really nice site along the water. It was a neat site - it had to levels. The top level was back and away from the fire pit and picnic table so we put our tents up there which left lots of room down below. It had flush toilets and showers which was nice. Darcie and I hadn't been camping for a long time so it was nice to do it again. It reminded us a lot of when we were younger and all the times we went camping in BC. We had to pay for fire wood if we wanted a fire so we paid for a couple of bags but then cleaned up the forest floor around our site to keep it going the rest of the time. Just doing our part to help keep the forest fire threat down................or just trying to save a couple bucks. We went on some nice hikes, enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a lot of fun relaxing, eating, and playing games. Mandy showed us how to play a game called dice. It's such a simple game but I liked playing it a lot. We found a spot on one of the lakes surrounding the campground where you could watch the sunset. We went there both nights because the spot was so beautiful. We played Yatzee one night. It felt really good getting out of the city and smelling the fresh air, smelling the forest. I love that. All four of us and all our stuff for the weekend went up with us in my car so it was packed soooooo tight but we fit everything we needed. We got to use our Coleman stove we got for Christmas many years back and it worked great. We were eating pretty good considering we were camping. We're thinking of going back there next year or maybe checking out a different campground although it'll be difficult going to another one knowing how nice Grundy Lake is. Sorry I didn't reach you on your birthday dad but glad I found the pay phone, even though the call was collect.
One of the lakes surrounding the campground
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