The next day we headed to a trendy part of town called The Danforth because there's a lot of shopping and Greek restaurants on a street called Danforth. There's so many Greek restaurants on it. We went to one Ivona remembered going to about 8 years earlier. Darcie and I had heard of The Danforth but had never gone so it was neat to check out. We'll definitley be going back to eat at some other restaurants. After eating, we checked out a huge candy store that had every kind of candy and chocolate bar you could think of - even candy I thought they didn't make anymore that I used to buy as a little kid. It brought back memories.
We headed home afterwards because we were planning a party for our friends in Toronto to meat Ondrej and Ivona. Mandy, Mason, Derek, Stacey, Vanessa, and Mark (have cottage that we went to) and Ondrej and Ivona were all there. We had a lot of fun hanging out and eating lots.
The next day was Saturday which was when Ondrej and Ivona were leaving so before they left, we headed downtown again and ate some lunch at a nice restaurant on the boardwalk and walked through downtown doing some shopping along the way.
It was great to see them and spend all that time with them. We really enjoyed having them as our guests and had a really good time going to see U2 and doing all the eating and shopping that we did.

This is making me so excited for when we'll be coming to visit. I can't wait till you can give us the tour of Toronto too! Especially that candy store :)
yah, the candy store is awesome
did they have any willie wonka chocolate bars with the golden tickets in them at the candy store? if not,then it's not a REAL candy store.
haha...oh Sarah, you just made me laugh out loud!! Too funny! Now I'm going to have this song in my head all day.
"I've got the golden ticket..." :)
we actually bought a willie wonka chocolate bar there but ours didn't have a golden ticket.
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