Darcie eating a Manhattan pretzel

The building being built is one of the Freedom Towers which is being built next to where the twin towers were. The exact footprint of both of the towers that fell will have square fountains in their place and the two new buildings are being built next to them. When we were walking around the area, it was surrreal to think what had happend there 10 years earlier.

Near ground zero, they have a place dedicated to 9-11 with many items salvaged from the wreckage of the buildings to view. One piece which kind of took my breath away was this one which is a piece of one of the planes that hit a tower.

Here's a steel beam all twisted up which shows you some of the forces that were occurring when the buildings collapsed. Up close, you can see that its 1" thick steel and in the areas where you can see the steel plates bolted together, it's more than 2" thick.

An area where they have pictures collected that were left by loved ones on fences and message boards
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