June 17th, Darcie's parents, grandma, and I attended her graduation ceremony. It was in a nice building on Yonge street downtown. The ceremony began with a few awards handed out, a guy gave the Convocation speech, the Valedictorian gave his speech, the President of the school gave her closing remarks and then all the students stood and repeated the oath. It was pretty surreal to see her walk up one side of the stage as a student and leave the other side as a doctor. There was a reception outside of the hall where everyone took pictures, had some drinks and ate appetizers. After the ceremony, we went to the CN Tower for supper with Mandy and Mason's family to celebrate. We are all very proud of Darcie and her accomplishments!! She is officially a doctor!!

This is where each student kneeled on the stool and the lady would place this v-shaped fabric over their neck to signify them graduating

Bruce, Darcie and Brenda after the ceremony

Darcie and I after the ceremony

Darcie and Mandy after the ceremony

Me, Darcie, Vanessa, Mason and Mark after the ceremony
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