Relaxing at Pilar (Pee-Lar) Beach - a 5 minute taxi ride from our resort. We went there twice. This picture is from when we arrived during our catamaran excursion. As far as the beaches I've been to in my life, this one and Magen Bay in St Thomas are the two nicest I've ever seen. This one may even have a slight edge over Magen Bay because of the amount of turquoise water. It was such a beautiful place. I had lots of reading material but never wanted to look away. The pictures don't do the place justice. It was definitely one of the, if not the most beautiful place I've seen. It's just sand, water, and sky but I couldn't get enough of it. Exceptionally beautiful.

The catamaran. They cooked lunch on it. It looks small but it fit 60 people comfortably and had a kitchen

I took so many pictures to try and capture how beautiful it was there

This is from the end of the resorts long pier
i love the contrast in the water in that last picture. So gorgeous
I can see what you mean about looking out and seeing nothing but ocean and sky. It's so beautiful! I want this to be my next holiday destination :)
That last comment was from Laura, not Josh :)
again I dont want to comment, but I just want to say that it looks just like it would in a magazine but again still jealous.....
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