No I won't be that mean. Lots has happened since then. I'm on the lap top right now so i can't access some pics and vidoes of us playing Quelf. Also, I haven't burned our trip to Montreal or our 1 year anniversary onto a disc yet either so when thats done, I'll defenitely add those too. I'll have to make another entry this weekend. I promise it won't be another 4 months from now. Anyway, I'll try and load video and pictures of everything i have. in the mean time, try folding a piece of paper more than 7 times and enjoy some pictures of a project I've been very busing working on at work. It got shipped out today, finally, so its like a big weight's been lifted off my shoulders. Its a Dolce & Gabanna merchandise display for a duty free shop at one of the main border crossings in Ontario, near Sarnia, about two hours west of here. Ask Darcie how much time I've spent on it to get it done on time (it was a rush order). Last couple of days and last friday, I stayed at work till 10pm or later. Her and I are both glad its done so I can go back to living a normal life again. It turned out looking really nice in the end though. I was happy that it turned out looking good but I hate having to rush through jobs like this. In some of the pictures, you can see the top of the shelves are wood which will be coverd by black glass so you can't see the wood but the glass is being delivered seperate. I had to include pot lights on the bottom of each shelf, and lights within each shelf shining down on the one below it, as well as lights in the top shining through the name. Mom and dad, you guys say you never really know what i do at my job, well here's an example of one project i did. I helped in designing it, then came up with a parts list, making sure all the parts would fit and could be assembled together properly, programmed the cnc machine to cut the pcs out (the stainless steel pcs were outsourced), and fabricated it together, which took the longest part. I don't normally fabricate too many things at work but it was easier for me just to do it rather than go through everything with someone else. Anyway, next time you're passing through Sarnia, maybe stop at the Dolce & Gabanna area at the Duty Free shop and you'll see it.

dolce and gabbana ?
wasn't that an 80's rock group ?
it looks really nice in pictures - i can only imagine what it looks like in person.
good job !!
love dad
That's amazing jason! WOW! now i know what you do at work, although there were a lot of big words in there that kinda flew over my Anyways that's looks amazing!And to think that whenever someone sees it at the duty shop they're have no idea that someone from good ol' vernon bc made that. Crazy!!!!! Oh, and thanks for the post.
Yay for a new post!!! Like Sarah said it's nice to know what you actually do at your work. It looks amazing! Great job Jason...
I keep looking at this post...i still can't believe that you did this!! so awesome! You should design furniture for my house one day! it LOOKS SO GOOD! Great detail work and everything, I can't imagine the hours and headaches that game from this job =)
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