Sunday, March 9, 2008

Winter Storm

Well, as many of you probably heard, we got a lot more snow here in the last couple of days. I was just looking forward to it all starting to melt when we got another foot of snow. We may even break the all-time record for snow fall this year. My neighbor said he hasn't seen this much in a year for 18 years. That makes it official. Anyways, I thought I'd post some pictures of all the new snow we have and all the huge snow piles at the corners of driveways. The pictures don't do it justice. I don't remember seeing this much snow on the ground in a very long time, if ever, aside from ski mountains. I know you guys are jealous but that's one of the joys of living here.


Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

wow!! that is a lot of snow to get all at once, and I'm sure it's probably the heavy stuff. I hope it came after Darcie left=) You should have lot's of time for posts while she's gone eh? what will you do with your time?? You should go to Wal-Mart and buy a bunch of cheap movies!! That's what Laura and I did this past weekend....watched movies in bed, while our men were at a retreat=) Thanks for the post, I feel so sorry for you...i think spring is finally here in Lloydminster=)We had +6 over the weekend, so things are starting to melt..WOOOOOOOOHOOO!!

Anonymous said...

So much for that patch of grass hey :)


Anonymous said...

jealous ??
joys of living here ??
i guess it comes with the toronto hockey team being snowed under too.

love dad

Laura said...

That's crazy!! It Looks like Bonnyville :) Thankfully we've had nicer weather and the snow is SLOWLY starting to melt. Hopefully it melts quicker for you!
Miss ya!

Brad and Sarah Rempel said...

let's see some new pictures here...has all the snow melted?? how are those squirrels doing?