Here's some photo's of our new apartment. We've taken some before photo's so you can see the comparison before and after once we're finished. We've had to do a lot of cleaning, especially in the kitchen as you can see from some of the 'grease' pictures on the walls, stove, and cupboards. Probably years of cooking oily foods and not cleaning up afterwards.
Yesterday, Mason from BC who goes to school with Darcie came over to help us paint the ceiling which was really nice of him. That's the first time we've painted. We're doing the walls in the kitchen and living room next. Can't wait for paint to be done and have things set up normally again without plastic draped everywhere.
We couldn't believe the difference in the new paint on the ceiling and the color of the existing paint. We didn't think it looked as dated or dirty until we had the new white paint on. It was such a difference - like gray and white. Maybe you can see it in the pictures. Of course, we ended up needing more paint then we thought. Always the case isn't it. Paint will definitely be our most expensive costs with the changes we're doing. Weird thing was after we were done painting last night around 12, there were so many flies that found their way into the apartment, probably came up through the vents in the building. I suspected they smelt the new paint smell and congregated. Anybody else find that happen after they painted?